How to Get Rid of Depression in Virtual Families 2

iPhone - iPad Games

Virtual Families 2: Our Dream House Answers for iPhone - iPad

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Virtual Families 2: Our Dream House

  • Developer: Last Day Of Work
  • Publisher: Last Day Of Work
  • Genre: Simulation Virtual
  • Release: Dec 6, 2012
  • Platform: iPhone - iPad
  • ESRB: Not Set

Question & Answers

People Are depressed

What do i do when my children are depressed

Answer from: Scarlett
You click on them, then click on the Upgrade Me button. from there you click on the Psychotherapy choice. that should get rid of the depression.

Posted on: Dec 24, 2012

Answer from: Yoyomax12
When your children are depressed you can get them toys

Posted on: Dec 25, 2012

Answer from: Vela
Do anything to make them happy again. They get depressed usually when somebody dies. Praise them with candy alot and buy stuff for them at the flea market. Eventually they will get happy again or a bit blue.

Posted on: Dec 25, 2012

Answer from: Lolly
You can get there status to a bit blue or even happy if you do nice things for them. Mabey a new marrige or a new baby.

Posted on: Mar 19, 2013

Answer from: Lilnosh
Give then treats and praise them a lot.

Posted on: Apr 16, 2013

Answer from: Phoebe
You can buy them a lot of candy and give it to them and praise them a lot

Posted on: May 12, 2013

Answer from: ILOVE1D
I need help too! ive tried rest And it helped my kid bu it made my dad go from a bit blue to depressed and my mom stayed depressed:( im gonna try to make them have another kid and make them do fun stuff:) hopefully it will work!

Posted on: Jun 7, 2013

Answer from: Vanessa
When your kid is depressed take it outside and play with it for a little bit

Posted on: Jun 11, 2013

Answer from: eeeeeeemilyyy
Usually there are only 1 or 2 different pieces of candy in the flee market so that isn't always the best plan and it wont help much. If the parents wont have another child there isn't much else to do. But there are solutions! Your lovely family will be so excited to see new things inside there homes and they also love to have new renovations!

Posted on: Jul 3, 2013

Answer from: me:)
Thank you this was very helpful. :)

Posted on: Oct 2, 2013

Answer from: Mayoursouliveon
My male adult had depression. I bought the 'Perfect Bananas' And fed it to him. He immediately went from Depressed to Hungry. Hope this helped!

Posted on: Oct 31, 2013

Answer from: tooold
My mother was depressed and i bought her perfume at the flea market and she instantly became happy after "celebrating marriage". I think if you just buy them something from the flea market (i.e. bananas, candy, etc.) or upgrade the house with something or praise them for doing something (i.e. sell something online) they will get better

Posted on: Jan 21, 2014

Answer from: VF2
Not true.People don't stop being depressed just because you give them candy . you could just praise them that might work but try it yourself . I learned to try it your way before trusting people , because some are scammers and just want you to waste your money.

Posted on: Jan 22, 2014

Answer from: HannahT
They become happy by getting a job interview as they enjoy celebrating, buy new household items also works, praising may work but be careful you dont nag

Posted on: Feb 18, 2014

Answer from: Awesomemak
Buying house upgrades works. My 14 year old went from depressed to a bit weak. BTW thanks for the help everyone!

Posted on: Mar 2, 2014

Answer from: I dunno
There is hardly any way of getting rid of depression. If you want to get rid of depression you must must must not praise them . This gives them more attention which will make them worse . The only way is to buy them a bed and probably a toy might help . Hope this helped

Posted on: Mar 16, 2014

Answer from: HannahA.H.
You can try to get them candy but if it don't work you can phrase them or get them special classes or sump thin.:-)

Posted on: May 14, 2014

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